The Haskell Rewrite
During December 2015 the Oden compiler was rewritten in Haskell. This post explains the motivation for moving away from Racket.
The process of writing the Oden compiler started with the type inferencer. This was a subject I had been thinking a lot about and I was starting to grasp how one might implement a Hindley-Milner type inference system. Most of the papers and examples that I found used a mutating implementation. I wanted a functional immutable one.
Previous explorations of core.typed examples suggested that logic programming was a nice way forward. Having just read up on Racket and the ability to compile and package self-contained executables I decided to use miniKanren.
Racket and miniKanren
Starting out with Racket and miniKanren was great! I do not regret this decision one bit. I kept a fast pace implementing the type inference. The code was very clear. The AST for Oden was simple Scheme data which made “pattern-matching” with miniKanren easy as pie. The following is an excerpt of the infero function, the heart of the inferencer.
(define (infero expr env t)
;; type-annotation
[(fresh (s st te-ignore te)
(== `(,s : ,st) expr)
(== `(,te-ignore : ,st) te)
(infero s env te)
;; symbol
[(fresh (x)
(symbolo expr)
(lookupo expr env x)
(== `(,expr : ,x) t))]
;; fn
[(fresh (x b bt b-ignore r d wd ft)
(symbolo x)
;; if no type is specified wrap with 'unbound'
[(== `(fn (,x) ,b) expr)
(== `(unbound ,d) wd)]
;; if type is specified just use that
[(== `(fn ([,x : ,d]) ,b) expr)
(== d wd)])
(infero b `((,x : ,wd) . ,env) bt)
(== `(,b-ignore : ,r) bt)
(== `((fn ([,x : ,d]) ,bt) : (,d -> ,r)) t))]
;; application
[(fresh (f ft f-ignore a at a-ignore x et)
(== `(,f ,a) expr)
(infero f env ft)
(infero a env at)
(== `(,f-ignore : (,x -> ,et)) ft)
(== `(,a-ignore : ,x) at)
(== `((,ft ,at) : ,et) t))]
The infero relation accepted the same kind of data as input as it “returned”.
To be clear, it didn’t return the typed expression, it unified the logic
variable t
with the typed expression. Inferring the explictly typed
expression (123 : int)
would unify with t
with (123 : int)
- the same
value. In other words, the inference process just added explicit type
annotations where they were missing. The structure was the same.
Using this simple model tests were easy to write as well. Here’s the test case
asserting that the type of the identify function is (_.0 -> _.0)
(test-case "identity fn"
(run* (q)
(fresh (_)
(infero '(fn (x) x) '() `(,_ : ,q))))
'((_.0 -> _.0))))
OK, but what is _.0
? That’s an unbound logic variable in miniKanren.
Depending on how functions were used these could be bound to auto-generated
type variables, e.g. for top-level definitions. The type of
(define (identity x) x)
would be something like (#g123 -> #g123)
is a type variable.
So what was the problem?
Was this not the perfect setup for writing the Oden compiler? For me, no. There were some things annoying me, some more than others, that made me rewrite the compiler in Haskell.
Evolution and Uncertainty
As the compiler grew, involving quite tricky transformations such as monomorphization both at the top-level and in let-bound definitions, I started to get a bit anxious that I wasn’t covering all cases for the AST. The error messages in miniKanren, or lack thereof, drove me away from implementing other parts of the compiler in miniKanren. It just took too much time and energy to find out what was going on when stuff started to break.
The lack of static typing in Racket also made me uncertain in my refactorings and changes. Yes, there’s Typed Racket and I tried it to begin with, but I got stuck almost immediately with getting stuff to type check and found very little help online. I admit to being extremely fond of static typing, but hey, I am writing a statically typed language after all…
Oh Monad, Where Art Thou?
When I wanted to add error messages for the Oden inference, I got stuck. Thinking about it for quite some time, I realized that I had the logic monad (miniKanren in this case) and needed to combine it with an error handling monad. Oden was was craving for monad transformers. There may very well be nice ways to do these things with miniKanren and Racket but I did not find any satisfying solution. The webyrd/error-handling-relational-interpreter was really the only thing I found and it was not the direction I wanted to go in.
miniKanren Implementations
I’m not sure why, but the state of miniKanren seems to be kind of in flux. There are different implementations with more or less the same name, with different sets of functions and often no documentation at all. It almost seems as if everyone has their own custom version lying around on their drive, copy-pasted into projects when needed. I’m not sure what’s going on but it’s confusing to me.
Racket REPL and Emacs
Another issue I had with the setup was working with the Racket REPL and Geiser in Emacs. While evaluating expressions, running tests suites and so on, I experienced the execution time gradually increasing for each run. Eventually I had to restart the Racket process completely. I have no idea what caused this behaviour or if anyone else has these problems.
Racket Overhead
The compiled Racket executable worked beautifully on OS X, Linux and Windows. However, the overhead in execution time generally was ~400ms on my modern laptops. This was not a big problem in itself, but nonetheless it influenced my decision to move to Haskell.
Going Haskell
With these Racket, miniKanren and dynamic typing itches, I decided to go for a Haskell implementation. The process was basically the same as when writing the first version - start with the inferencer, do the least amount of transformation possible and write a simple Go backend.
To begin with, I want to give a big shout-out to the great work done by Stephen Diehl. The inferencer in Oden is still merely an adaptation and extension of the code from Chapter 7: Hindley-Milner Inference in his book Write You a Haskell.
Leaning on the Compiler
This time around I had the benefit of learning a thing or two from my previous mistakes. One thing I wanted to do differently was to have separate, clearly defined ASTs for each transformation step. This may seem obvious but Haskell lends itself so well for that kind of modelling. The following is the type signature for monomorph, a function that takes polymorphically typed expressions and returns monomorphically typed expressions.
monomorph :: Core.Expr Poly.Type -> Monomorph (Core.Expr Mono.Type)
I think that type signature clearly states what the function does. The Expr type is the core AST in Oden and looks something like this (at the time of writing):
data Expr t = Symbol Identifier t
| Application (Expr t) (Expr t) t
| NoArgApplication (Expr t) t
| UncurriedFnApplication (Expr t) [Expr t] t
| Fn Name (Expr t) t
| NoArgFn (Expr t) t
| Let Name (Expr t) (Expr t) t
| Literal Literal t
| Slice [Expr t] t
| If (Expr t) (Expr t) (Expr t) t
deriving (Eq, Ord)
Having these canonical representations, cleary defining what can be represented, together with GHC warnings and hlint makes me feel very confident when making big changes.
Reduced Overhead
The runtime overhead of the compiled Haskell binary is ~7ms on my systems. This may not seem like a big deal but being able to build scripts and tools directly on top of the Oden compiler, not having to write complex daemons with network protocols between, really excites me.
Looking back on the original implementation, as previosly mentioned, I do not regret choosing Racket and miniKanren. Both for me personally, and for the project, it was a very good choice. I wrote more tests in the Racket implementation, perhaps because I needed more tests to be confident but maybe also because it was so easy to write quoted Oden syntax directly in Racket. This is something I miss when writing tests in Haskell. Anyway, I recommend learning both Racket and miniKanren.
Moving to Haskell was very rewarding. It took 3-4 weeks to rewrite the compiler and getting the regression test suite to pass. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoy working in the new codebase! The Haskell version is running in the Playground and it’s available on GitHub.